Useful Information

The conference Validating Visual Heritage in Africa: Historical Photographs and the Role of the “Archive” will be held at the Pan African Institute for Development-West Africa (PAID-WA) in Buea, Cameroon from 27 – 29 January 2015.

Dealing in a different way with photography, photographs and the “archive” a selection of art works that have been submitted upon a Call for Art Interventions published in summer 2014 will be shown in parallel to the conference (during the last week of January 2015) at the Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d’Enseignement de la Langue Française and in various other places in Buea and Limbe.

Furthermore, on two or three evenings the Goethe Institut Yaoundé in collaboration with APhI will present a number of historical movies at the Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d’Enseignement de la Langue Française under the title « How Cameroon has been presented to Germans – A critical retrospective of ancient documentary films ».

Transport from Duala airport to Buea

Buea is 70 km (1-2h, depending on traffic) from Douala, in Cameroon’s South West Region.

Cost for transport:

– Private taxi (approx. 30,000 Francs CFA = 45 €)

– Collective taxi (approx. 5,000 Francs CFA = 7,5 €)

Accommodations in Buea

– PAID-WA (Clerks Quarters). Price: 6,000 Francs CFA = 9 € by night. Rate for conference participants (RfCP).

– Synod Office Guest House (Town) (+237) 675 75 39 51. Price: from 3,500 to 5,000 Francs CFA = 5 to 7,5 €/night (RfCP).

– Capitol Hotel Residence (Clerks Quaters) (+237) 233 32 33 31,                         capitolhotelbuea@yahoo.comPrice: from 25,000 to 30,000 Francs CFA = 37 to 45 €/night (RfCP).

– The Green Court Residence (Moliko). Price: from 10,000 to 15,000 Francs CFA = 15 to 17 €/night (RfCP).

– Mountain Hotel (Bokwango). Price: from 22,000 to 40,000 Francs CFA = 33 to 60 €/night (RfCP).

– Charriot Hotel (Mille 17th a Mile 17!). Price: from 25,000 to 100,000 Francs CFA = 37 to 150 €/night (RfCP).

Accomodations Douala

– Procure Général des Missions Catholiques: (+237) 33 42 27 97 (Akwa). Price: 14,000 Francs CFA = 21 €/night.

– Le Foyer du Marin (Akwa) (+237) 33 42 27 94. Price: 22,000 Francs CFA = 33 €/night.

Turistic sites

– Mount Cameroon National Park

– Ambas Bay (Limbe)

Buea orientation map

buea map

For further information and special agreements between hotels and the organizer please contact