great events cameroon’s path towards unity

 Buea (Cameroon)

17-24 February 2014

This photo exhibition was prepared with regard to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Anglophone Cameroon’s independence from Britain and its reunification with the Francophone part of Cameroon in 1961. On February 20, 2014, President Biya and the First Lady, Madame Chantal Biya, attended the celebrations in Buea which remembered the moments leading to the formation of modern Cameroon. The photographs show great moments of a process which started in the mid-1940s and led to the formation of the Federal Republic of Cameroon in 1961 and the Republic of Cameroon in 1972. Reed more…

The photo exhibition is curated by Rosario Mazuela and Jürg Schneider with the help of Fidelis Ebong, Hubert Wandum, Njie Litombe, Glory Luma. We are highly indebted to Pa Emmanuel Mbwaye for sharing his enthusiasm and knowledge with us. The project which allowed for the digitization of the negatives is being generously supported by the Endangered Archives Programme , the Swiss Federal Office of Culture , the Centre for African Studies Basel , University of Basel, Switzerland and African Photography Initiatives.

all photos © Rosario Mazuela

Related Videos

…That is where we are today… Photographer E.M. Mbwaye at the Foumban Conference, Cameroon, July 1961 from African Photography Initiatives on Vimeo.

Digital Exhibition

All images belong to the holdings of the Press Photo Archive Buea and are copyright of the Ministry of Communication (© MINCOM Cameroon).

Please for more information about the pictures and their reproduction contact the editors.

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Fotota 1335, 14 Mars 2014


– George Atem. How Unified is the Republic of Cameroon? The Unification of the Institutions of the Republic of Cameroon since 1961. ANUCAM 2012.

– Edwin Ardener. Kingdom on Mount Cameroon : the Bakweri and the Europeans, in Kingdom on Mount Cameroon. Studies in the History of the Cameroon Coast, 1500-1970, Shirley Ardener (ed), Oxford:Berghan Books 1996.

– Victor Julius Ngoh. Les Dessous de la Reunification du Cameroun: De 1955 a 1961. Presprint. Limbe 2011.

– Tricia Efange Oben. Women of the Reunification. New Media Com 2011.

– Jürg Schneider/Rosario Mazuela Coll: Pressefotografie in Kamerun. Erschliessung, Digitalisierung und Konservierung des staatlichen Fotoarchivs. Rundbrief Fotografie Vol. 20, No. 4 / N.F. 59, December 2013: 22-27.